Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Testimony

In 2001, I found myself in a situation I would have never believed I would be in....Divorce.....What a nasty word and I wondered, "How did I get to this point".

Well let's go back a few years.

Somewhere around 1985 we made a decision to quit going to church. Why? Someone made me mad and I felt I could serve God without a Pastor telling me what to do. I could do this my own way. I was always chasing the almighty dollar, trying to make our lives and the kids lives more than we had growing up. It seemed to be the general line my generation seemed to be thinking. Thought church wasn't necessary and that going to church and constantly worrying about God, well it was just too much trouble and so unnecessary. So we quit. I had a really close friend, he was also my boss but a Man of God now that I look back, he gave me some good advice. He said "Quitting church will become a bad decision that will hurt the marriage and the family". "It may not happen right away but the fact of not going and really living for God would come to no good". How was I to know he would be right and I just wasn't going to listen. Bad decision as we later learned.

We moved from California, Arkansas, Oklahoma, back to Arkansas, Texas, Alabama, Pennsylvania, back to Texas, and then to Ohio, that is where we meet our Waterloo. Our divorce took 1 1/2 years of torture for the whole family. Things would never be the same for any of us....I wondered where God was during this time. The battle was somewhat a living death. I ended up having a minor nervous breakdown, my middle child quit school, my youngest learned to hate me, my oldest quit school and became involved with alcohol and drugs. EVERYTHING I had chased and worked so many hours for was slowly going away. I did not give any time to serving God and I forsook my family. In the process of doing most everything wrong, I was able to acquire plenty of material goods. It was all slipping away and it really wasn't meaning that much anymore. Instead of turning our life over to God and telling him what a mess we had created....we were still doing our own thing and believing a lie.
2 Thess. 2:12 says "That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear all that you and your family have gone through. It never pays to walk away from God. I am glad that you have realized the mistakes that were made. So many things you cannot go back and change, but you can keep marching forward and do the best you can now. Praying that things work out between you and your children now and that they find God.