Thursday, December 17, 2009


            As a child we were never wealthy and very much under privilege. We always had food on the table and only homeless one time that I can remember. As the standards go now days, we were somewhat very "POOR", looked down on and really harassed in school by the "HIGHER" class of kids. We really never had much when Christmas came around. Our cars (if we had one running) usually had a window missing, doors would not shut, sounded like it was coming apart or about to take off. We usually depended on the friendship of neighbors, organization and such to get our clothes, gifts and food. We were faithful visitors to Salvation Army, state commodities and always had someone leaving us toys in boxes. We went to church faithfully and always made sure, if Daddy did get work, we always paid our 10% to God.  We dressed the way we were suppose to, never watched TV, no movies, always watched our mouths, (or we got them washed out with soap, yuk), didn't cheat and always tried to live by the Golden Rule....Treat others as you would like to be treated.
           Now you ask, "What is this all about, trying to get everyone's pity. Not so....... What I guess I am trying to say is this, it is not you have or the outward stuff you can show off, your motions or how many laws or rule you obey, that make you the person you are or should be. God looks at the heart and how you have spent your time in his presence. He doesn't base your relationship with him by what you have, who you hang with or how much money you have in your pockets or accounts.  We were taught to depend on God for our needs, and that he never lets his children beg for bread, but wasn't really taught to have a CLOSE relationship with him through prayer, fasting and reading of his word. That is what makes you who you are. His PRESENCE in your life, your soul and your attitude. 

          I never really understood this while starting our family and beginning to raise them. Oh we went to church, did our thing, anyway what we thought we were obligated and expected to do. I was in the music ministry, help start a church, taught Sunday School classes, did our street meetings, etc. Raising the family with the mind set, "I will never have my kids go through what I went through as a child". I spent more time chasing the "Almighty $$$" to the tune of forgetting what was important.

        What was important you ask?  Thanks for asking.

         Not money by no means. All it did was get more stuff to get you away from spending time with the one's you love. Your family and GOD.....
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
I Tim. 2:6. (KJV). 
It is not money itself that causes the EVIL, but the LOVE of it. The LOVE OF IT causes you to forget about everything else except how to make more. There is never enough. The old saying is, "The more you make the more you want, and the more you want the more you have to make.

     "While some coveted after-or to wish for earnestly or seriously, they have erred from the faith or... To violate accepted moral standards; sin , and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  In other words...While seriously wishing,  they have violated moral standards and accepted sin, and caused themselves harm with a lot of sadness.  

        The only way to raise a family that has respect, is truthful, has integrity, a Godly personality, is an upstanding citizen. To raise them with the knowledge of Jesus, His Word, how to talk to him in Spirit and Truth, Fasting to keep self under and attending a house of worship. 

         If you are reading this and are not a part of a church family that believes that JESUS is TRUTH, that he is the WORD and the ONLY WAY to GOD, then you need to find a good BIBLE believing body of Christ that will guide to repentance, baptism in his name and having him fill that empty spot that is left when SIN is gone, with his HOLY SPIRIT. 

         Don't expect money, drugs, alcohol, sex or any such ungodly thing to satisfy. He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.


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